


Providing assistance in navigating the complex global education landscape, Ultimae Education offers advisory services for students of all ages seeking many types of opportunities. A student-centric approach allows tailored recommendations and support – and ultimately, long-term benefits.
Providing assistance in navigating the complex global education landscape, Ultimae Education offers advisory services for students of all ages seeking many types of opportunities. A student-centric approach allows tailored recommendations and support – and ultimately, long-term benefits.

Ultimae Education offers parents the opportunity to provide their children with the best educational opportunities available. A tailored, student-centric approach means individualised requirements are always met, and potential is optimised.

Private tuition

Designed to increase confidence and help students reach their full potential, private tuition services develop skills in preparation for assessments and more. A tailored approach and one-to-one focus allows tutors to cover a range of subjects, planning for short and long-term success.

Our experienced pool of tutors is well-versed in several global education systems and work with children from early childhood into their 20s. Individualised specialisms enable precise matching with each student to ensure the best possible results.

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This specialist service supports parents with all aspects of educational planning. Offering unique insight into many education systems, our team of specialists is able to offer invaluable advice on the most beneficial route for your child.

Considering age, ability, personal aspirations, and more, we can help with applications, consultancy and advisory services from nursery and schools into university and beyond. Supporting the application and admissions processes, we stand with families every step of the way to garner great success.

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Additional support

Alongside tuition and consultancy, Ultimae Education offers several additional academic services. Appreciating the individualism and dynamic needs of children, we aim to provide complete support for students, no matter their specific requirements.

Our additional services range from Educational Psychologist reports to confidence coaching and learning how to learn. These tend not to be the sort of things that schools can provide but are often extremely important in helping students reach their full potential.

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